How to avoid picture frame display mistakes

Here are 4 picture frame display mistakes to avoid. These tips from Framegidi will help you hang up your picture frames like a professional!

How to avoid picture frame display mistakes
A Framegidi professional adjusting frames hung on the wall for perfect display during an installation.

So you just got and installed beautiful, high-quality picture frames that you're psyched about...but there's a problem. The frames are not commanding the attention they deserve. They're not giving what they're supposed to give!

When such problems happen, it's usually because of mistakes with the picture frame display. Proper frame display is just as important as getting a high-quality picture frame. It is a key factor in frame installation that determines how well your frames pop. So if after installing your picture frames, they're not having the dazzling effect you want, you'll probably have to adjust the way they are displayed.

To make your installations easier for you, we've gathered popular wall decor mistakes people make while hanging up their frames, and the ways to avoid those mistakes.

Mistake #1: Picture frame placement too high or too low

Framed art, prints, or pictures are meant to seamlessly command attention. A well-installed picture frame is supposed to be in the average person's line of sight. So, if you have to strain upward or downward to properly view the picture frame, it means you need to adjust the picture frame placement. We generally recommend hanging your frames 57-60 inches above the ground to ensure that they're at eye level, and out of reach. You don't want people hitting or brushing your frames every time they pass.

Mistake #2: Getting the Scale Wrong

Before you hang up your picture frames, you should ensure that your scale or frame-to-wall ratio is reasonable. In most cases displaying small frames on large walls is counterproductive because the picture frames get lost in the walls. The exception is if it’s going to be a consistent aesthetic. However, if that's not your goal, you should consider hanging larger frames on large walls because they make better visual statements.

A professional framegidi frame installer adjusting frames hung on the wall for perfect display.
A Framegidi professional balances a large frame on a large wall to ensure a perfect display.

To prevent scale mistakes, we recommend creating a simulated installation. In a simulated installation, you use paper sheets or pillowcases to determine the frame sizes that would be proportional to the wall. You're basically using them to simulate how your frames will look on that wall. A simulated installation helps you visualise the frame sizes, so you can make the right decision when ordering your picture frames.

Mistake #3: Disregarding the weight of the picture frame

This mistake is common with heavy frames. A big or heavy frame that doesn't come with the right hooks and support can result in a mess, or even worse, an accident. Before hanging up a picture frame, you should ensure that the hooks attached to it can effectively carry its weight when hung on the wall. What you want is a hook that holds the frame firmly against the wall, not one that makes the frame dangle.

Mistake #4: Poor Spacing

Multiple frames on one wall can be very pretty, but only when they are properly spaced. A common mistake when hanging multiple picture frames is spacing them wrongly – too close or too far apart.

To ensure that your frames are optimally spaced, we generally recommend a spacing of 3 to 6 inches (which is about 7-10 centimetres).

Final Thoughts

To properly display your beautiful picture frames, it is important to understand effective wall decor installation techniques. At Framegidi, we don't just produce your beautiful picture frames, we also offer frame consultation and installation services. So, whether you want to hang up your picture frames yourself or have professionals install them, you can trust Framegidi to help!