Sending Framegidi your photos and art

Sending Framegidi your photos and art

At Framegidi, we strongly prioritise producing clear and top-quality prints whether we're just printing or printing and framing. For the prints to come out in good shape, we have to ensure that you send us good-quality photos and images of your art. Blurry or low-quality images hamper our processes and products because then, we can't print the sharp, bold images that will make your prints and frames pop.

We've collated 4 simple things to note when sending us your images, to ensure that we get them in good shape and turn them into sharp and top-quality prints.

1. Make sure your art images and/or photos are not blurry when sending

You should ensure that you're sending us clear images, so sending on WhatsApp is definitely a no-no. To make it much easier for you, here's a quick link to choose your frame options and send us your images.

2. Send us your images in JPEG format

We strongly recommend sending us your images in JPEG format because this picture format maintains the colours and details of your images. This format also works for you because it results in a very small file size.

Not sure how to convert your image to JPEG? Here's a free and easy-to-use image converter for you.

3. Only send us original copies of your photos/art

We don't accept screenshots because they lower the quality and overall look of the prints. To ensure that we produce the best quality prints for you, we only accept original copies of pictures and art.

4. Ensure that you have permission to frame the photos/art

This is mainly for those who'd love to frame art from their favourite artists. At Framegidi, we are deeply committed to our strict anti-piracy policy. We will not proceed with framing if we discover that you have obtained the art to be framed without due permission from the artist.

Ready to print and frame something? Click on the button below to begin.